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What’s happening at Inverleith Dentalcare

As you may be aware, all dental practices across the country are closed to minimise the risk of transmission of COVID-19. This has resulted in us relying on government designated Centralised Hubs to manage urgent, emergency care. As the practice prepares to reopen, we are closely monitoring and developing protocols to ensure safe dental care whilst maintaining the personalised service that you have previously enjoyed.

Your next visit

Our current levels of hygiene and decontamination in the practice ensure that it is already one of the safest places you can be treated in. With the expected changes in PPE guidance, we are also investing in equipment, which will not only surpass the requirements but will also create an enhanced clean environment. This results in your usual appointments needing to be modified for the next six months to ensure that sufficient time exists between appointments, to allow enhanced Covi-19 decontamination protocol.

Furthermore, we will limit the interaction between team members and clients to reduce the risk of cross transmission. We are trialling video conferencing software to help you achieve the best out of your dental care in the current circumstances. These changes will result in fewer appointments per day, but as a private practice, we are focused on the quality of our treatments as well as your experience, rather than the quantity. It is important to us that you feel confident, comfortable and above all, safe.

Your Hygiene Therapist

Your hygiene therapist, Charlotte looks forward to welcoming you back as soon as possible and would like to remind you of the importance of maintaining your oral health.

Continuing a thorough daily routine consisting of brushing twice and the use of floss or interdental brushes will help to ensure your mouth is as healthy as possible.

Following evidence-based guidance, important treatments including hygiene may have to be modified. In regards to this, I would request that you bring your own oral hygiene aids with you to appointments e.g. toothbrush, floss, interdental brushes and waterpicks.

I look forward to elaborate on how we will provide the most effective hygiene experience for you in the next newsletter.



Inverleith Dentalcare

Rest assured

The team are hard at work behind the scenes, undertaking continuing professional development whilst supporting our clients who may need emergency dental advice. In addition to this newsletter and others to come, please follow us on Facebook for further updates.

Warm regards,
Dr. Dr Neeraj Puri, Dr Chris Fowles, Dr Omar Ali , Dr John McAleavey and your Inverleith dental team.